If at First You Don't Succeed...

Work has started up for me back in Michigan, but thankfully the marina where I work closes at 6, which means I have plenty of time to go out and take pictures (the sun doesn't set here until almost 9:30). On the other hand, it means less time to be out shooting and (more importantly) processing pictures, so blog posts may be slightly spaced out now. And of course, there are some days when I just don't have the motivation to go out and shoot. Right now, for instance, I'm watching one of the most spectacular sunsets I've seen since I got back from my window, but I honestly just didn't have the energy to lug all my camera gear out to the other side of the county and photograph it. The fact that it's about 50 degrees out and windy doesn't help matters. All pictures in this post were taken with an Olympus E-620 and Zuiko 9-18mm f/4-5,6 or 70-300mm f/4-5,6 Whaleback I've been out twice since my last post, with mixed results. My first trip was to ...