
Weekend on the Peninsula

  Ah, it's that time of year again–the time of year when both the temperature and the humidity in DC climb into the triple digits , the birds stop singing, and I spend most of my time inside either working or dedicating my free time to other hobbies. The latter admittedly removes a bit of motivation for blogging about past birding adventures, which is why I've been slower at updating this than I really should be. Still, the torturous weather this time of year has me longing for the nice, cool equatorial weather of Kuala Lumpur. Which, as it happens, is where I found myself last month on my first work trip since Fiji last December. May and June are stupidly busy months in my line of work with the end of the fiscal year and all the deadlines that come with it, but that didn't mean I was about to turn down the opportunity to head to Malaysia and Indonesia to lead a workshop and help put together a childcare project. Sacrifices must be made, and if that sacrifice is a bit of s