Trip Reports

 In the process of living in the Philippines, I've managed to visit and explore a pretty wide array of birding areas throughout the country, some of which are very much off the beaten path for birders. I've decided to start writing trip reports for some of the under-visited spots that I've been to, in hopes that it might facilitate more visits in the future. Some of these spots I expect I will return to, in which case I will update the reports as necessary. 

Note that each site here is either a site that I was the first person to visit and bird in, or one I visited based on publicly available information. Some sites I have been to relied on information from other birders and/or bird guides who have requested detailed information not be posted; I respect these requests whenever they are made and will confirm before posting information online. I personally make no money off of birding and have no interest in keeping sites I discover to myself (except perhaps in the hypothetical event where very sensitive species are found), and will endeavor to share them with others as much as possible. 

This is currently a project in its infancy, but for each report I post, I plan to put up i) a PDF trip report for easy reference; ii) a link to an eBird trip report for more granular information; and iii) a link to the relevant blog post(s) for more narrative. 

Southern Antique, Panay:

Samar Island Natural Park:


  1. Hi I am a bird watcher from Turkey and I need a philipinne eagle photo. I saw one of yours i ebird and it was grate. Can I use it? It is not about trade

    Thanks in edvance

    1. Hi Özgün, sure, feel free to use it with proper attribution.


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