
It's been a little bit longer than I intended since I posted my last update, which is either because I've had too much to do lately, or because I'm a lazy bastard. Take your pick. However, I haven't been ignoring photography, and I've been doing a little more exploration around the county and trying to get a little outside my comfort zone. Still not as much photography as I'd like to be doing, but it's good to be out every once in a while anyway. On a happy note, I just found out that I've been invited to go back to San Miguel de Allende, the city in Mexico where I volunteered for a week in February. When I asked the organization what they had in mind in terms of internship projects, their first idea was something along the lines of "go to Mexico for four weeks and take pictures". My reaction was "okay... I think I can handle that." I'll probably try to do something more than photography, but it's still a really exciting pr...