Midnight in Paris

“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life.” -Thomas Jefferson After leaving Morocco, I was, of course, mostly just looking forward to getting to Bolivia. However, the travel agents at SIT, in their infinite wisdom (I have many things to say about travel agents at SIT), decided that the most efficient way to get us from Point A to Point B, was to fly northeast to France, west to Florida, and then finally south again to Bolivia. On the bright side, that meant we had a 14-hour overnight layover in Paris after our first day of travel. We were booked in a very nice Best Western hotel nearby the airport, but this was my first time in Europe, and it would be silly to spend the night sleeping. Instead, I caught an insanely expensive taxi into the city and met up with my friend Vicky, who's studying abroad there this semester. Unfortunately, taking my big camera into the streets of Paris in the middle of the night wouldn't really have ...