What Does Democracy Look Like?

This last weekend, I was one of about fifty students from Middlebury College to travel down to Washington, D.C. to take part in the "largest climate rally in US history" against the Keystone Pipeline. I don't want to make this post terribly political (as this is a photo blog), but suffice it to say the main arguments against the building to the pipeline are the risks of building such a large pipeline over sensitive land, issues of indigenous sovereignty that have not been resolved, the incredible uncleanliness of oil from the Tar Sands, and of course opposition to the fossil fuel industry in general. Anybody interested in more information on it might want to start here or here . It was also a good opportunity to take some pictures. Be warned- lots of them follow. The rally began beneath the Washington Monument, where ground rules for activism were laid down and several famous figures, including Bill McKibben, Van Jones, Rosario Dawson, Reverend Yearwood, and th...