
Son los momentos, De cada día, Cada minuto que se va, Esos momentos de nuestra vida Que nunca se olvidarán. No los dejes pasar. -Reik, Momentos It's now been a little more than two months since I arrived in Brazil, which means there's only a little less than two months until I go home- Talk about a scary thought. I had half-hoped to be able to stay for the insanity that is going to be the World Cup, but I ended up unexpectedly getting an internship with the Bank of Evil (known by some as the World Bank) in Washington DC, which means I'll have to return home even before my semester has officially ended. Not ideal, but then again, who am I to turn down an obscenely well-paid internship furthering capitalist subjugation of the Global South (I'll actually be working in the Latin America Poverty and Gender Equality division, but I guess that's basically the same thing, at least according to some of the professors I had last semester). Perhap...