No Hay Tierra Como Mi Tierra

Soy una fábrica de humo, mano de obra campesina para tu consumo Frente de frio en el medio del verano, el amor en los tiempos del cólera, mi hermano. El sol que nace y el día que muere, con los mejores atardeceres. Soy el desarrollo en carne viva, un discurso político sin saliva. Las caras más bonitas que he conocido, soy la fotografía de un desaparecido. -Calle 13, Latinoamérica Huayna Potosí, seen from just outside the El Alto Airport on our very first day in the country And so, it's finally happened: I'm in Bolivia. I'm not, of course: I'm actually in my Michigan living room, watching the falling snow through the window, and dreading having to go outside in 14º weather. But I still have a month's worth of adventures in Bolivia to write about, so I might as well get started. Most of you reading this are probably aware that this was not my first time in Bolivia; I lived there for a year as an exchange student in high school. So, while ...