La Vida es un Carnaval

Não sou covarde, já tô pronta pro combate Keep Calm e deixa de recalque O meu sensor de periguete explodiu Pega sua inveja e vai pra… -Valesca Popouzuda, Beijinho no Ombro Quick, think of an image of Brazil. If it wasn't the Amazon rainforest or a really big statue of Jesus, it was probably a bunch of attractive women in a parade wearing inexplicably elaborate headdresses and not much else from the neck down. Something like this or this (the first and fourth images you get when you search "Brazil Carnaval" on Google, sort of NSFW). I had at least a vague concept before getting here that that's pretty strictly a custom of Rio de Janeiro, and that the rest of the country has its own set of traditions. I know that in New Orleans it means lots of parades, silly costumes, and creative ways of getting bead necklaces, while in Bolivia it's mostly an excuse to party on the street on weekdays and throw paint at complete strangers (except in Oruro ). And I kn...