Subic: Suddenly, hornbills are trash birds

Anyone who's been following my facebook for the past, well, year will know that my lifelong interest in birds has turned into a passion for birdwatching. In a way it's a little surprising I didn't become a birder before, since my uncle Kevin,who's at least a little responsible for me being into birds in the first place, has been a serious birder for way long than I've been alive. I've been trying to convince him to join me for a birding trip ever since I moved to South America for the first time nearly a decade ago. So far, besides always talking about it, it's never really worked out. Until this year! After lots of planning and discussion, Kevin finally got tickets to come and visit the Philippines for 10 days in early October for some birding. Beyond just being a birder, Kevin is certifiably obsessed with anything in the parrot family, especially cockatoos. I'm an enthusiastic birder who has a tiny budget and not much free time, so even though I go o...