Hijo de Pitta

One of the perks of living in a place where you're one of very, very few birders around is that it's easier to build up a reputation as the "bird person" to go to. In the case of fellow Davao-based birder Pete , the reputation is well-deserved, but in my case it probably led to being viewed as a far better birder than I really am. Whatever the truth of the matter, it does occasionally lead to some cool opportunities, even beyond our fun Philippine Eagle Center outings. One of these was at the end of last June, when we were invited to check out the birds at the Hijo Resort , a coastal getaway in Davao del Norte, just north of Davao City. Located in the middle of the sprawling Cavendish banana plantations that provide the backbone of much of that region's economy (and funding for many of its politicians), the Hijo Resort consists of a beach area, some fishponds, and, surprisingly, a small area of forest that the property owners managed to protect from cl...