Migration at the Fort

In late September, I finally started exploring Fort C.F. Smith Park, which has a reputation as the best spot for birds in Arlington County. As I'd been struggling with birding (or lack of birding) in DC, I had high hopes for some new discoveries. My first visit was on September 20, still considered summertime in that area, and things started out fairly quietly. The only warbler I had at first was a few Common Yellowthroats staring at me from the thick vegetation near the entrance, which of course was fine since Yellowthroats are adorable. In the woods I saw a Swainson's Thrush, a Red-eyed Vireo, and a late-season Philadelphia Vireo, as well as some better warblers in the form of Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, and Canada Warbler (none of which I managed to photograph). The local butterflies and spiders were enough to keep me occupied as well. Common Yellowthroat Swainson's Thrush Carolina Chickadee Red-eyed Vireo Red Admiral Summer...