
Showing posts from February, 2019

Migration at the Fort

In late September, I finally started exploring Fort C.F. Smith Park, which has a reputation as the best spot for birds in Arlington County. As I'd been  struggling  with birding (or lack of birding) in DC, I had high hopes for some new discoveries. My first visit was on September 20, still considered summertime in that area, and things started out fairly quietly. The only warbler I had at first was a few Common Yellowthroats staring at me from the thick vegetation near the entrance, which of course was fine since Yellowthroats are adorable. In the woods I saw a Swainson's Thrush, a Red-eyed Vireo, and a late-season Philadelphia Vireo, as well as some better warblers in the form of Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, and Canada Warbler (none of which I managed to photograph). The local butterflies and spiders were enough to keep me occupied as well. Common Yellowthroat Swainson's Thrush Carolina Chickadee Red-eyed Vireo Red Admiral Summer...

The DC Doldrums

As I've hinted at earlier in this blog, in August of 2018 I moved to Washington, D.C. to begin a master's degree program at Georgetown University. Although I'd spent a summer in DC a long time ago as an intern, this was my first time spending a longer time there, and it was certainly my first time being there as a birder. I obviously chose to be in DC for the academic part over the nature part, but I was excited to see what it had in store for me in terms of wildlife.  As it turned out, what was in store for me in the DC summer was... not all that much.  The Philippines has a reputation for underwhelming bird density, especially in the summer months, but in no world does that compare with the depressing mess that is DC birding in the summertime. There's a beautiful river valley park nearby my apartment in Arlington which seems like it might have some decent nature of some sort, but spending an hour there would get me something like 7 different species of birds....