Colder Weather

After a brief but spectacular period of peak fall colors, the leaves began to disappear and the weather in Washington DC slowly got colder- yes, DC really does get winter! The cold weather part at least, if not really the snow. A late November visit to Fort C.F. Smith Park drove home that winter really was on the way- the warblers were all gone, the leaves were turning brown, and insects were dormant. The sparrows were still there though, including a small flock of Chipping Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows foraging in a holly bush. Last of the remaining leaves Fungus of some sort Chipping Sparrows The Pine Siskins I'd seen on my last visit were gone from the bird feeders, but there were still the usual residents, including Dark-eyed Juncos and an unusually tame Red-bellied Woodpecker. Dark-eyed Junco Red-bellied Woodpecker For Thanksgiving I made a quick trip home to Michigan (my first Thanksgiving I spent at ho...