Easter Bittern

Over Easter, I took a quick trip home to Michigan, in part to enjoy home for a while since I have no plans to return in the summer, and in part to spend some time with our sweet but ailing dog. It was just a four-day trip, but thankfully I was born into the right family and lots of it involved time outdoors (as well as good Easter food!). For me, this also involved some very good birds, mostly seen from the side of the road- as I've discussed before , Michigan has the best roadside birding. My first morning walking around Suttons Bay got me a lovely pair of Common Mergansers on the lakeshore, as well as a few winter migrant American Tree Sparrows , my first time photographing one. There was also a very cute Downy Woodpecker, and an American Red Squirrel (not found in DC!) in the top of a tree. American Tree Sparrow Common Mergansers Downy Woodpecker American Red Squirrel I was working most of the first day there, but I decided to take a quick af...