California Day 5: To the Coast and Away

December 21 was my last day in California, and of course my plans for the day revolved around birds. I spent the night in a nondescript neighborhood in the LA suburbs, then started the day early at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, one of the best-known birding spots in the Los Angeles area. My biggest target of the day was Rouget's Rail, an uncommon rail found only in a few wetlands in California and Baja California. I'd dipped on it the previous day in the Salton Sea, so I was determined to see it this time, before I had to leave the state altogether. There was lots of bird activity at the entry footbridge when I arrived, including several Surf Scoters, Ruddy Ducks, Greater Scaups, and Red-breasted Mergansers, good additions to my California bird list. There were some Willets and Marbled Godwits foraging in the tidal vegetation, although sadly no Ridgway's Rails joining them. Ruddy Duck Marbled Godwit Willet Surf Scoter My first lifer...