Drongo Tales

Tablas Drongo- a spectacular endemic that requires a spectacular amount of travel One of the great things about living and birding in the Philippines is that you can really never run out of new things to see. It's a country of over 7,000 islands with more than 250 species of endemic birds, a number that is continually increasing as taxonomy gets updated. 250 isn't a huge number of species in absolute terms- you could see about that many in an ambitious day of birding in South America- but when you consider that many have their own restricted range or even their own islands, seeing all of them is a daunting task. So daunting, in fact, that to the best of my knowledge literally no-one has ever managed to see every Philippine endemic bird, even discounting likely-extinct species such as Negros Fruit Dove or Cebu Brown Dove. That fact does make it a little bit easier to live with the knowledge of how many endemic birds I still haven't seen, despite birding here for a cumulat...