Quiet May

I've been trying my best to pull myself out of the month-long lag in making blog posts, mostly because my June is shaping up to be a very exciting month of birding, which means I'm excited to post about it. May, on the other hand, was much more low-key, as I focused on work and other hobbies. As much as I love birding, it can be exhausting sometimes and I need a few weeks to recharge before getting back into adventure mode. Despite taking things a bit easier, I still got out several times for some birding fun. The evening of May 6, I visited the local fishponds at Cabid-an to try and get some sunset bird pictures. It ended up being a beautiful evening, and I was able to get some decent pictures as well, including my first decent pics from Sorsogon of Grey Heron. I've been doing my best to photograph every species of bird in the province I see just to add to the local eBird data, so it's always nice to make some good additions. The heron population was as always very ...