Tokyo Done Properly

After some adventures in Indonesia , I headed back to the Philippines to finally reunite with Nikki after a couple of months away. There was barely a moment's rest, however, before we were jetting off once again–this time for a week-long trip to Japan. Nikki had been wanting to go to Japan for years, as had I, my brief layover earlier this year not being nearly sufficient. It was a bucket list item for Nikki's mom too, so we decided to make it a family trip, with Nikki's sister Jill flying in to join as well. This was very much not intended to be a birding trip- rather it was a chance for Nikki's family to see some of Japan. We were spending most of the time in Tokyo, and Nikki put a vast amount of work into an itinerary that took us to a variety of shrines, museums, parks, and shopping areas. Still, there was quite a bit of down time as well, and I had ample opportunity to go off on my own and see some more of Tokyo's birding areas, which is exactly what I did....