What a Week.

Many of you reading this are already aware that I was in Boston on Monday to watch my dad compete in the Boston Marathon. As anybody who's had connection to the internet in the past five days knows, that didn't go so well. My dad ended up breaking his hip just before the bombings (not related), and my mom and I were about a block away from the explosions. Definitely one of the scariest days of my life, and one that will stay with me for a very long time. I've shared the full story of the day several times, so I won't put it up here. If anyone has not read it and is interested, they can here . What I do want to post are the pictures I took of today. There is nothing gruesome or disturbing; there is far too much of that elsewhere on the internet. This is simply some of what I chose to capture on that day. The wheelchair part of the race came first. These were the racers who seemed to be enjoying the marathon the most. The elite female runners. The winner is t...