A Biri Good Holiday

Hoo boy, has it ever been a long time since I posted on this blog. There's far too much of my life to explain in just one post, but put briefly, in the year or so since my last post I: • Moved to the province of Sorsogon to do my Fulbright research; • Finished my Fulbright research; • Got a new job as soon as my Fulbright finished; and • Moved to Davao City (also in the Philippines). I haven't been living in Sorsogon for about seven months now, but I still consider it my main "home" in the Philippines- it's where I was most able to get to know the people and the geography, and it's where I still have the most friends and acquaintances. It also doesn't hurt that I, uh, met my girlfriend Nikki there. So, I try and go back there whenever I have the chance (which unfortunately isn't very often), and the holidays were the perfect opportunity. Most of the holiday was spent mostly around Sorsogon City (the provincial capital and only city), but jus...