Nemesis No More

I had lots of work to catch up on in the Philippines after my quick visit home in Michigan, but since I arrived back on the weekend, I had time for a day of birding before heading back to Mindanao. Thanks to Irene 's generous offer of a car ride and birding company, I was able to spend it on yet another visit to Infanta, Quezon, one of the up-and-coming birding destinations in Luzon. I'd been there three times before (blog post on my last visit here ), but managed to dip on a few of the "specialty" bird there every time, most especially the Whiskered Pitta that's supposedly often seen every time except for the days that I visit. Like most visits to Infanta, it started with a disgustingly early start from Manila in order to arrive in the birding area before sunrise and in time for owling. Also like my visits to Infanta so far, the owling was a complete bust, with nothing even heard at all- and people wonder why I don't enjoy looking for owls! As the s...